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For those that made it to our most recent Convention, how would you rate the.....
Indicates required field
1. How did you hear/know about the show?
2. Quality of material in the room?
Really good
Pretty good
Not that great
3. What would you have liked to see more of at the convention?
4. Organization of the event?
Smooth as silk
Seemed fine to me
A little rough around the edges
A disaster
5. Vibe in the room (attitudes of organizers, dealers and other attendees)?
Really good
Pretty good
Not that great
Other/ Comments:
6. If you weren't able to attend the recent Convention, was there a reason why?
I usually make it, but had a scheduling conflict this time
I am no longer actively collecting
I only come to the Summer Conventions (if applicable)
I didn't even know about it
If you only come to the Summer Conventions, please tell us why:
Any and all other comments: